The White Stag and the Community of All People

21 04 2008

A white stag has been recently sighted and photographed in Scotland. These creatures are potent, magical figures, closely associated with unicorns. All Celts considered them to be
messengers from the other world. It is also considered to represent the quest for spiritual knowledge. The stag itself is a representation of the god Cernunnos and purification.

The white stag in Celtic myth is an indicator that the Otherworld is near and serves as a reminder that we are in a time of purification and renewal. It is interesting to note that the appearance of any white creature is an indication of entry into the Otherworld. As is indicated in the first branch of the Mabinogion where Pwyll entered the grove in Arawn’s hunting ground that serves as the basis for the continuing relationship between the Celts and the God of the Otherworld (Arawn) to this day. This stag had a white body with red ears–the typical colors of otherworld creatures including the hounds of Arawn.

White is the color of purity and otherworld being. The video shows that the stag is with other normal colored stags showing us that we need to be in harmony with our Mother’s Earth and all of creation. It also serves as a warning to us that we are rapidly transgressing her desires for both us and the planet.

The White Stag is also the heraldic standard of Henry II. According to Encyclopedia Britannica Henry II was:

… first of the Angevin kings, was one of the most effective of all England’s monarchs. He came to the throne amid the anarchy of Stephen’s reign and promptly collared his errant barons. He refined Norman government and created a capable, self-standing bureaucracy. His energy was equaled only by his ambition and intelligence. Henry survived wars, rebellion, and controversy to successfully rule one of the Middle Ages’ most powerful kingdoms.

While it may be doubtable that to the residents of Scotland and Ireland that Henry was a great king he did bring order and peace, although on his own terms, to this area of the current United Kingdom. His use of the White Stag as his standard and the appearance of the White Stag today should serve as a reminder of the times.

As we struggle through wars, religious intolerance, and imperial subjegation of indiginous peoples let us take a lesson from Pwyll. One must learn to be tolerant, respectful, and honorable to receive the blessings of the Otherworld. This is our warning to come together in a community that represents and fosters the love that we profess. We need to stop the tyranny of the few in a peaceful and respectful manner and stop imposing our will on any other group of people. Our proclivity to see the worst in our fellow people shows that the warning of the White Stag is apt. The Otherworld is a place of trust and truth – let us emulate this on our planet.

May we turn and seek the blessings that it represents and return with honor and respect to each other and our world.